Friday, February 29, 2008

Note: In many cases, the links to referenced articles are to a web site which has more superior archive retrieval capabilities than many mainstream media outlets. As each year passes, fewer and fewer of the original articles can be read on the web. As a result, although each article is referenced in terms of date and the name of the media outlet, the link to read the article is often to a reading forum which does not remove articles from its archive.

George Orwell wrote: "The omission is the most powerful form of lie, and it is the duty of historians to ensure that those lies do not creep into the history books." He was writing about the evils of communism and nazism, but he could just as easily have been writing about how, since the war in Iraq began, the the media has tried to ignore the decade's old relationship between Saddam and Osama bin Laden.

The 90's:

Saddam's Fingerprints on NY Bombing by Laurie Mylroie, Clinton's terrorism czar
June 28, 1993. The Wall Street Journal

The Clinton Justice Department's indictment against OBL in federal court which mentions the terrorist's connections to Iraq.
November 4, 1998. The federal indictment.

Iraq and AQ agree to cooperate. The federal indictment against OBL working in concert with Iraq and Iran is mentioned.
November 1998. The New York Times

The actual federal court indictment of OBL which mentions his cooperation with Iraq:

Saddam reaching out to OBL
January 1, 1999. Newsweek

ABC news reports on the Osama/Saddam connections
January 14, 1999. ABC News

Osama and Saddam Work Together: Laurie Mylroie, Clinton's former terrorism czar
January 27, 1999. Federation of American Scientists

A Much Shunned Terrorist Takes Refuge In Iraq (Abu Nidal)
January 1999. New York Times

Western Nightmare: Saddam and OBL versus the World. Iraq recruited OBL.
February 6, 1999. The Guardian,12469,798270,00.html

Saddam's Link to OBL
February 6, 1999. The Guardian

Saddam offered asylum to bin Laden
February 13, 1999. Associated Press

Son of Saddam coordinates with OBL. Iraqi Special Ops coordinates with Bin Laden's terrorist activities: Yossef Bodansky.
August 6, 1999. National Press Club

List of newspaper articles written in the 90's which mention the world's concern regarding the growing relationship between OBL and Saddam. Articles from 1999 (Compilation). Frontpage Magazine


Former Senator Fritz Hollings (SC-D) mentioned on the floor of the Senate that Iraq's state run newspaper reported that NYC was going to be attacked by planes. Iraqi officials knew exactly what was coming to the United States -- in July 2001 they published an article about it.

Con Coughlin, executive editor of London's Sunday Telegraph, writes in his pre-war biography--Saddam, King of Terror--that in early September 2001, Hussein put the Iraqi military of "Alert G", the highest state of military readiness since the 1991 Gulf War. Saddam himself retreated to a heavily fortified bunker in Tikrit just before the 9/11 attacks. He placed his two wives in another deep bunker. Saddam was the one Mideast head of state who justified the 9/11 attacks publicly.

From the book: Saddam - King of Terror. The Iraqis paid smaller groups to do their dirty work and were quick to discover the advantages of Al-Qaeda.
September 19, 2001. Jane's

Iraq was in contact with Al Qaeda in the days preceeding 9/11 and thought to have sponsored the 911 attacks: Bill Gertz
September 21, 2001. The Washington Times

Bin Laden met Iraqi Agent.
September 28, 2001. The Miami Herald

German investigators link Iraq to anthrax attack.
October 26, 2001. Anova

Saddam behind first WTC attack. Laurie Mylroie, Clinton anti-terrorism czar.
October 2001. PBS

Hijacker given anthrax by Iraq
October 27, 2001. The Times

The media certainly were pushing Iraq as being connected to AQ and possibly behind 9/11 shortly after September 11, 2001. A compilation of media comments and articles:
November 17, 2003. Newsmax


Salman Pak. Satellite discussion about the terror camps in Iraq.
January 7, 2002. Aviation Weekly

Intercepted call links Saddam to AQ.
February 7, 2002. The Telegraph

Report linking anthrax and 9/11 hijackers is probed.
March 23, 2002. The New York Times

Osama met with Saddam in Iraq.
March 23, 2002. The Times of India

Did Atta meet in Prague with an Iraqi government official?
June 19, 2002. PragueFacts

Militia Defector says Baghdad trained Al Qaeda fighters in chemical weapons.
July 14, 2002. The Sunday Times

September 11 Victims Sue Iraq.
September 4, 2002. BBC

Families sue Iraq over 9/11. Thousands of 9/11 victims and family members sue Iraq based on evidence that Iraq knew the attacks were coming, approved the attacks, and supported Al Qaeda for a decade. The lawsuit also notes Iraq's involvement in the first WTC attack.
September 5, 2002. CBS

Where the first WTC bomber went (Baghdad) and how the CIA tries to undermine the facts .
September 12, 2002. This is London;jsessionid=gztqFCNR2QS04R38hvLgm0ny1NlrSCCpJfvSKz2Xsr7dXy9m2v4W!-81402767

Democrats insist on a separate war resolution regarding Iraq. Language they inserted mentions specifically that it is known that Al Qaeda is operating in Iraq.
October 2, 2002. The White House

Democrat Rep. Gephardt says lots of intelligence links OBL and Saddam.
October 6, 2002. Newsmax.

Iraq War Resolution Demanded and Written and Signed by Democrats. Mentions how AQ is already in Iraq (despite the left trying to say the war drew AQ to Iraq)
October 2002. The actual resolution written by Democrats.


Colin Powell: Iraq and Al Qaeda were partners for years: Colin Powell.
February 5, 2003. CNN

Freeper Republic Strategist's list of links between AQ and Iraq.
February 7, 2003

Saddam and OBL Make a Pact.
February 10, 2003. The New Yorker

Australia PM has lots of information regarding Iraq/AQ connections.
March 14, 2003. SMH

Spain links 9/11 suspect to Baghdad.
March 16, 2003. The Observer,6903,915142,00.html

The AQ connection to Iraq
April 12, 2003. The Weekly Standard

Saddam's regime linked to several religious extremist groups (including AQ).
April 17, 2003. The Daily Telegraph

More evidence. Newspaper finds documents in Baghdad which directly prove the links between OBL and Saddam. The paperwork details meetings and when and where they occurred. Also found documents that Russia passed on to Iraq detailing private conversations between Blair and Italy's Berlusconi.
April 27, 2003. The Telegraph

Lawsuit finds Iraq partly responsible for 9/11
May 7, 2003, USA Today

Wolfowitz Says Saddam behind 9/11 Attacks
June 1, 2003. Newsweek

Oil for Food Scandal Ties Iraq and Al Qaeda.
June 20, 2003. Forward Magazine

A judge sees the documents linking OBL and Saddam.
June 25, 2003. The Tennessean

The Al Qaeda Connection with Iraq.
July 11, 2003. The Weekly Standard

List of newspaper articles written in the 90's which mention the world's concern regarding the growing relationship between OBL and Saddam.
July 14, 2003. Frontpage Magazine

Growing Evidence of Saddam and Al Qaeda Link.
July 16, 2003. Frontpage Magazine

What the administration said. And what they didn't use, but could have regarding the relationship between OBL and Saddam. The Iraqi regime paid Zawahiri $300,000 in '98 when his Islamic jihad merged with Al Qaeda.
September 1, 2003. The Weekly Standard

Free Republic Thread that mentions books on this topic. Former Clinton CIA Director James Woolsey and other notables recommend these books as well.
September 6, 2003. Books 1000 Years for Revenge and The War Against America

Memo shows Iraq contacted OBL.
September 12, 2003. The Washington Times

Vice President Cheney lectures Russert on Iraq/911 link Al Qaeda sent personnel to Baghdad to get training for terrorist activities. He mentions Iraq's involvement in the first WTC bombing in 1993.
September 15, 2003. Interview

Iraq and terrorism - no doubt about it. Specific names of Al Qaeda terrorists working in and with Iraq
September 19, 2003. National Review

Iraq and AQ: A Federal Judge's Point of View
September 20, 2003. SpeCops

Mohammed's Account links Iraq to 9/11 and first WTC attack:
September 22, 2003. Newsweek

Richard Miniter details the names and specific connections including the Iraqi who was involved in the first WTC bombing and lived in Iraq. September 25, 2003. Richard Minister

The connection between Iraq and 9/11
September 2003. Fox News,3566,97063,00.html

Why the administration tried to diffuse information that Iraq was involved in 9/11
September 29, 2003. Insight

Saddam's Terror Ties that Critics Ignore.
October 21, 2003. The National Review

Osama's Best Friend: The Further Connections Between Al Qaeda and Saddam.
November 3, 2003. The Weekly Standard

Stephen Hayes book, The Intel Links OBL and Saddam.
November 15, 2003. The Weekly Standard,2933,103176,00.html

The media certainly were pushing Iraq as being connected to AQ and possibly behind 9/11 shortly after September 11, 2001. A compilation of media comments and articles:
November 17, 2003. Newsmax

Article with many links. How Saddam paid AQ to commit attacks against America.
November 17, 2003. Frontpage magazine

Case Closed.
November 24, 2003. The Weekly Standard

The Terrorist behind 9/11 was trained by Saddam
December 14, 2003. The Telegraph

The Clinton View of Iraq/AQ Ties.
December 29, 2003. The Weekly Standard.


Saddam behind anthrax attacks?
January 1, 2004. Accuracy in Media 4:

The support of the Iraqi regime for Abdul Rahman Yasin, an Iraqi native who mixed the chemicals for the 1993 World Trade Center building. Coalition forces found a document in Tikrit several months ago that indicates the former Iraqi regime has provided Yasin housing and a monthly stipend for nearly a decade.
January 2004. Frontpage magazine

Tape Shows Clinton's General Wesley Clark linking Iraq and AQ
January 12, 2004. The New York Times

Saddam's Ambassador to Al Qaeda.
February 23, 2004, The Weekly Standard

Article details the number of terrorists who have attacked America in the past and taken refuge in Iraq. Loaded with interesting bullet points.
March 14, 2004. Scripps Howard News Service via Newsmax

James Woolsey, Clinton's former CIA Director, links Iraq and AQ. See also Posts #34 and #35.
March 23, 2004. CNN Interview

Fewer than two months before 9/11/01, the state-controlled Iraqi newspaper “Al-Nasiriya” carried a column headlined, “American, an Obsession called Osama Bin Ladin.” (July 21, 2001) In the piece, Baath Party writer Naeem Abd Muhalhal predicted that bin Laden would attack the US “with the seriousness of the Bedouin of the desert about the way he will try to bomb the Pentagon after he destroys the White House.” The same state-approved column also insisted that bin Laden “will strike America on the arm that is already hurting,” and that the US “will curse the memory of Frank Sinatra every time he hears his songs” – an apparent reference to the Sinatra classic, “New York, New York”.
March 28, 2004. Newsmax

Lawsuit filed by family of John O’Neill., former FBI agent who captured Ramzi Yousef after the 1993 WTC bombings. O'Neill died in the WTC on 9/11. His personal files from his years of traveling around the world investigating al-Qaeda are were used as evidence in the lawsuit. The evidence includes documents unearthed in the headquarters of the Mukhabarat (Iraq's intelligence service) and information gleaned from the interrogation of both al-Qaeda and Iraqi prisoners. Article also quotes Vincent Cannistraro, the former CIA counter-terrorism chief, who stated in October 2000 that Iraq had been wanting to carry out terrorist attacks, and that the Iraqi military had been in contact with Osama bin Laden
April 22, 2004. The Guardian

Al Qaeda's Poison Gas
April 29, 2004. The Wall Street Journal

Saddam Linked to 9/11; Clinton's anti-terrorism czar, Laurie Mylroie.
May 11, 2004. Frontpage Magazine

Bush says Zarqawi killed Berg. Cites Saddam ties.
May 15, 2004. Reuters

More on Shakir. Did he meet with 9/11 planners?
May 27, 2004. The Wall Street Journal

The Connections. Detailed.
May 28, 2004. The Weekly Standard

Saddam's role in 9/11.
May 29, 2004. A Freeper book

Clinton mentioned how AQ was developing a relationship with Iraq. Also see Post #5.
June 1, 2004. The Miami Herald

Read into the Congressional Record regarding the ties between OBL and Saddam. (Part 1) June 1, 2004 (Link broken)

More read into the Congressional Record (Part 2).
June 1, 2004 (Link broken)

More read into the Congressional Record (Part 3).
June 1, 2004 (Link broken)

More read into the Congressional Record (Part 4).
June 1, 2004 (Link broken)

Exploring the links between 9/11 and Iraq.
June 2, 2004.

New Iraqi Chief Links 9/11 to Saddam.
June 2, 2004. Newsmax

Pre-Bush Timeline of Saddam/OBL Ties
June 12, 2004. Freeper Blackrain4xmas research

Cheney claims Iraq/AQ connections
June 14, 2004. Associated Press

Britain insists that AQ was in Iraq pre war.
June 17, 2004. MiddleEast Online

Cheney says definite ties between Iraq/AQ and outraged at NYT Misleading Headline.
June 17, 2004. CNBC Capitol Report via Drudge

How the Networks Pretend to Ignore their own Reporting from the 1990's.
June 17, 2004. Media Research Center

There was a link between OBL and Saddam.
June 20, 2004. The Sunday Telegraph

9/11 Commission says prominent member of AQ served in Iraq's militia.
June 20, 2004. Reuters

9/11 Commission reaffirms Bush administration view of Iraq/AQ ties.
June 21, 2004. RNC

How Saddam collaborated with Osama bin Laden. Interview with Stephen Hayes with excellent information.
June 23, 2004. Frontpage Magazine

The Clinton Administration first linked Saddam and OBL.
June 25, 2004. The Washington Times

Documents Shows Iraq Intel Agents Met with OBL.
June 25, 2004. Associated Press

More evidence of Iraq/AQ relationship.
June 25, 2004. New York Times

Putin warned President Bush after 9/11 that Saddam Hussein planned to attack America.
June 28, 2004. Media Research Center

Freeper blog (Windsofchange) and links to 9/11 Commission report with specific references to the ways in which Iraq/AQ were connected and worked together.
July 11, 2004. WindsofChange

Long List of Clinton Administration Officials who believed there was an AQ/Iraq connection.
July 12, 2004. Newsmax

Gore, Cohen, Clinton linked AQ and Saddam.
July 15, 2004. The Daily Texan

What the Senate Intelligence Report really said about the connections between Iraq and Al Qaeda.
July 22, 2004. The Weekly Standard

The 9/11 Commission found specific connections between Iraq and AQ. Specific names and dates are given from the report.
July 22, 2004. The Daily Standard

The 9/11 Commission and Iraq/AQ Connections.
July 26, 2004. The Weekly Standard

Specific Quotes from 9/11 Commission Regarding links between Iraq and AQ
July 30, 2004. National Commission on Terrorist Attacks

Information about Shakir, the Iraqi who met with AQ at a pre-9/11 planning meeting. Also information about the Iraqi who mixed the chemicals for the bomb of the first WTC bombing.
August 2, 2004. The Weekly Standard

Contact between OBL and Saddam are beyond dispute.
August 18, 2004. The Washington Times

List of CIA and various Reports regarding Iraq's support for terrorists, terrorism and AQ.
September 16, 2004. The Weekly Standard

Sen. Kerry disputing 9/11 Commission and Senate Intelligence Reports. Actual page numbers and quotes within article of what the Reports did say regarding the connections.
September 20, 2004. The Weekly Standard ''

Saddam may have used Oil for Food money to fund Al Qaeda. September 20, 2004. Fox News Channel,2933,132682,00.html
Excellent resource. Pictures. Charts. Bomber from '93 WTC bombing received salary from Iraq. Salmon Pak - terrorists trained on how to use forks and knives to hijack a plane. Iraq was Islamic terror central. September 22, 2004. Hoover Institute

Both the Senate Intelligence Committee Report and the 9/11 Commission documented the links and relationship between AQ and Iraq.
October 5, 2004. The Weekly Standard

Iraqi Intelligence Docs Published
October 11, 2004. CNS News

Osama bin Laden was considered an Iraqi Intelligence asset.
October 14, 2004. National Review

Saddam - The Terrorist's Banker
October 15, 2004. The Scotsman

Senate Intelligence Report says Zarqawi operated out of Saddam controlled territory - Baghdad.
October 20, 2004. The Weekly Standard

It looks like the 9/11 Commission got an important detail wrong. Shakir probably did work the Iraqi Fedayeen and he had documents on him when arrested that linked him to the 1993 WTC bombing. And he drove the 9/11 hijackers to a planning meeting.
October 23, 2004. The Hoover Institute

Saddam was the ATM to Al Qaeda.
November 16, 2004. The Weekly Standard

CIA Agent Scheuer used to believe there was an Iraq/AQ link. Now he just wants face time on television and is pretending there was never a link. November 23, 2004. The Weekly Standard

Oil for Food Scandal may have funded 9/11.
December 4, 2004. Newsmax and The Weekly Standard

Iraqi Intelligence officers planted a sleeper cell (at least one) in the United States. The man is now under arrest and Iraqi agents are cooperating.
December 22, 2004. CBS


It's all about 9/11 (Iraq and OBL connections)
June 2005. National Review

The Clinton Administration's Case Against WMD in Iraq
April 2005. Project for the New American Century

The Saddam-Osama Link Confirmed.
June 20, 2005. Frontpage magazine

GOP Lawmaker Says Saddam Linked to 9/11
June 2005. CNN

Saddam was Motel 6 to terrorist. Whole article and Post #6 complete with a picture.
June 2005. Newsmax

Thwarted Jordan WMD attack; jihadists got money and weapons from Iraq.
June 30, 2005. Associated Press

These connections must be read and used to counter the leftist spin that Saddam didn't support Al Qaeda. Must read.
July 2005. The Weekly Standard

A blog with great links regarding the relationship.
July 2005. Newspundit

The Pope of Terrorism, Part II
July 2005. The Weekly Standard

Saddam financially supported an AQ affiliate in Algeria
August 2005. The Weekly Standard

9/11 Commission did NOT include information they now admit they knew. In 2000, some of the 9/11 hijackers were on the radar, but Clinton did nothing.
August 2005. Philadelphia paper

Operation Able Danger. What the 9/11 Commission knew and didn't know. What Clinton did and didn't do. How as a 9/11 Commission member Jamie Gorelick was able to cover up her own mistakes while at Clinton's DOJ
August 2005. Stratasphere

More on Atta in Prague, the Iraqi intel agent arrested in Germany who was linked to AQ and Ramzi Yousef's Iraq passport (Youseff bombed the WTC in '93)
August 12, 2005. Captain's Quarters

9/11 Probe could highlight Iraq link to 9/11
August 2005. Newsmax

The Iraqis the 9/11 Commission Report forgot to mention as they relate to 9/11.
September 2005. The Weekly Standard

Who is lying about Iraq/AQ relationship (Hint -- It's The democrats).
November 2005. John Podhoritz

Records found in Iraq dated ten months before 9/11 indicates that Saddam Hussein’s employees clandestinely met Taliban and al Qaeda agents regarding a “decision to operate.” That and more.
December 21, 2005. National Review

Kuwait sentences Al Qaeda terrorists who have connections to Iraq.
December 27, 2005. Reuters


2006 Saddam trained over 8,000 jihadists before the war.
January 12, 2006. The Wall Street Journal

New documents found in Iraq confirm that Saddam worked with Al Qaeda.
February 20, 2006. The American Thinker

What the Clintonistas said about the OBL/Saddam Relationship
June 15, 2006. Chickenhawk Express

The Testimony of Terrorists: Mark Eichenlaub
July 7, 2006. Frontpage Magazine

Atta was in Prague after all. Credit Ravingnutter.


YouTube: Osama-Hussein Connections

Pentagon Report Says Iraq Supported The Army of Muhammad, a known al-Qaeda subsidiary operating in Bahrain.
On page 35 of the Report, we can see the Iraqi government intended to attack Jewish and American interests anywhere in the world.
March 2008, Hot Air

Department of Defense, Iraqi Perspective Report
Mainstream Media Wrong: Saddam Supported Al Qaeda and Associate Groups
March 2008, Family Security Matters

Department of Defense, Iraqi Perspective Report Available Here
Why is the Bush Administration Silent About Iraq/AQ Connections?
March 2008, The Weekly Standard

Pentagon Report Confirms that Iraq Supported Al Qaeda
March 2008, Flopping Aces

Anthrax Connections:

9/11 Hijacker sought treatment for red hands (anthrax).
October 11, 2001. Palm Beach Post

Tabloid Editor rented apartment to two 9/11 hijackers. The tabloid lost a worker to anthrax.
October 15, 2001. Miami Herald

Hijackers linked to anthrax.
October 15, 2001. St. Petersburg Times
9/11 Hijackers treated for anthrax.
March 23, 2002. The New York Times

Remember Anthrax?
April 20, 2002. The Weekly Standard

Center of the Storm, book by CIA Director Tenet
May 2007

Tenet thinks Al Qaeda was responsible for the anthrax attacks and wrote this in his book:

“Al-Qa’ida spared no effort in its attempt to obtain biological weapons. In 1999, al-Zawahiri had recruited another scientist, Pakistani national Rauf Ahmad, to set up a small lab in Khandahar, Afghanistan, to house the biological weapons effort.

In December 2001, a sharp WMD analyst at CIA found the initial lead on which we would pull and, ultimately, unravel the al-Qa’ida anthrax networks. We were able to identify Rauf Ahmad from letters he had written to Ayman al-Zawahiri. Later, we uncovered [Yazid] Sufaat’s central role in the program. We located Rauf Ahmad’s lab in Afghanistan. We identified the building in Khandahar where Sufaat claimed he isolated anthrax. We mounted operations that resulted in the arrests and detentions of anthrax operatives in several countries.” “The most startling revelation from this intelligence success story was that the anthrax program had been developed in parallel to 9/11 planning.

As best as we could determine, al-Zawahiri’s project had been wrapped up in the summer of 2001, when the al-Qaida deputy, along with Hambali, were briefed over a week by Sufaat on the progress he had made to isolate anthrax. The entire operation had been managed at the top of al-Qai’da with strict compartmentalization. Having completed this phase of his work, Sufaat fled Afghanistan in December 2001 and was captured by authorities trying to sneak back into Malaysia. Rauf Ahmad was detained by Pakistani authorities in December 2001.

Our hope was that these and our many other actions had neutralized the anthrax threat, at least temporarily.”

Anthrax and Al Qaeda
November 2007, CBS

A Jihadi Letter and the 2001 Anthrax Attacks
November 2007, Ray Robinson

Al Qaeda, Iraq and Anthrax
Undated, Ross Getman

The mailer’s use of “Greendale School” as the return address for the letters to the Senators is revealing. A May 2001 letter that Zawahiri sent to Egyptian Islamic Jihad members abroad establish that Zawahiri used “school” as a code word for the Egyptian militant islamists. Green symbolizes Islam and was the Prophet Mohammed’s color. By Greendale School, the anthrax perp was being cute, just as Yazid Sufaat was being cute in naming his lab Green Laboratory Medicine. “Dale” means “river valley.” Greendale likely refers to green river valley — i.e., Cairo’s Egyptian Islamic Jihad or the Islamic Group. The mailer probably is announcing that the anthrax is from either Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Egyptian Islamic Group or Jihad-al Qaeda, which is actually the full name of the group after the merger of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad and al Qaeda. At the Darunta complex where jihadis trained, recruits would wear green uniforms, except for Friday when they were washed. In a Hadith the Messenger of Allah explains that the souls of the martyrs are in the hearts of green birds that fly wherever they please in the Paradise.

The “4th grade” in the return address “4th Grade, Greendale School, is American slang for “sergeant” — the rank of the head of Al Qaeda’s military commander Mohammed Atef, who along with Zawahiri had overseen Project Zabadi, Al Qaeda’s biochemical program.

The business-size sheet of stationery containing the anthrax to the National Enquirer was decorated with pink and blue clouds around the edges. In admitting that he had taken over supervising the development of anthrax for use against the US upon Atef’s death (in November 2001), KSM separately noted that “I was the Media Operations Director for Al-Sahab or ‘The Clouds,’ under Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri.”

1. The first person to receive an anthrax laced letter (he later died of the anthrax) was a Photo Editor at the National Enguirer’s Florida headquarter’s. (Everyone else was a liberal Democrat in the Washington D.C. area.) His wife was a landlady to two of the 9/11 terrorists.

2. All the envelopes containing anthrax were mailed from Newark, New Jersey, home to many of the attackers of the first terror strike agaisnt the World Trade Towers.

Ramzi Yousef, the bomb maker, was a cousin to Khalid Sheik Muhammed, number three guy in Al Qaeda. Yousef was carrying a forged Kuwaiti passport later identified as having been made by Iraqi intelligence. Saddam Hussein is known to have supplied funds for the first World Trade Towers attack.

3. The German government, in its attempts to forge closer ties to Iraq, gave Iraq’s Department of Agriculture a kilo of the Ames type agricultural anthrax. This was to help Iraq control the disease among its cattle herds. (This was revealed publicly about 2 years ago. Whether the gift was the result of a request by Saddam’s government wasn’t revealed.)

4. Prague. Everybody has heard the story about Mohammed Atta meeting with the head of Iraqi Intelligence and being handed a package.
What most people don’t know is that the Al Qaeda member who disputes this wasn’t even it Europe when it happened! He was in Afghanistan, where he was captured on a battlefield.

So who would you believe? Czech Intelligence or some Al Qaeda jihadist?


In 1998, an Arab intelligence officer, who knows Saddam personally, predicted in Newsweek: "Very soon you will be witnessing large-scale terrorist activity run by the Iraqis." The Arab official said these terror operations would be run under "false flags" which is spook-speak for front groups--including bin Laden's organization.

There were the predictions by an Iraqi with ties to Iraqi intelligence, Naeem Abd Mulhalhal, in Qusay's own newspaper several weeks before the attacks that stated bin Laden would “demolish the Pentagon after he destroys the White House and bin Laden would strike America “on the arm that is already hurting” (referencing a second Iraqi sponsored attack on the World Trade Center). Another reference to New York was “[bin Laden] will curse the memory of Frank Sinatra everytime he hears his songs.” (e.g., “New York, New York”) which identified New York, New York as a target. Mulhalhal also stated, “The wings of a dove and the bullet are all but one and the same in the heart of a believer" which references an airplane attack.

The Arabic language daily newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabic also cited the cooperation between Iraq, bin Laden and a December 1998 editorial, which predicted that “President Saddam Hussein, whose country was subjected to a four day air strike, will look for support in taking revenge on the United States and Britain by cooperating with Saudi oppositionist Osama Bin-Laden, whom the United States considers to be the most wanted person in the world.” This info is in the link provided below. How could these people have had foreknowledge without Iraq being involved? Source for this info

Translated Pre-War Documents Discovered in Iraq:

All credit belongs to Freeper Jveritas.

Saddam Regime Document: Iraqi Intelligence met with Bin Laden in 1995

Captured Al Qaeda Document Shows Bin Laden Deputy Aymen Al Zawahiri Visited Iraq

Saddam Regime Document Dated May 1999 Reveals Plans for Terrorist Attacks in Europe

Document: Zarqawi in Iraq Long Before the War Started

Document: Saddam Regime Training and Using Foreign Arab Terrorists As Suicide Bombers.

2003 Document: Saddam Ordered that the Arab Feedayeen Terrorists be treated the same as his Iraqi soldiers.

Document: Iraqi Intelligence To Train Arab Feedayeen Terrorists In the Year 2000

March 2001 Document: Saddam Regime Recruits Suicide Terrorists to Hit US Interests

2003 Document: Hundreds of Palestinian Terrorists to Join Saddam And Fight US Troops

Document: Afghani Taliban Consul Spoke of a Relationship Between Iraq and Bin Laden

March 2002 Document: Saddam Ordered 25,000 Dollars for Each Suicide Terrorist Against Israel

2003 Document: Iraqi Intelligence Asks Hamas To Conduct Terrorist Attacks Against The US.

September 2001 Document: Military Orders To Prepare For US Attacks Against Iraq After 9/11

Iraqi Documents Contradict Senate Report that Saddam Regime was “Intensely Secular”

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